Diagonal rainbow-striped background with images of a dove and a scales also words St John Fisher  &  Justice and Peace The logo of the Southwark diocesan Justice an dPeace and Integrity of Creation office

Parish of Saint John Fisher, Merton
Justice and Peace Group

  Monthly Food Collection     Charity of the year  


Charity of the Year

The group is not a fund-raising one; however we are sometimes asked to nominate a charity to receive proceeds from others'
events which have made an incidental profit. Consequently we agreed to nominate a "Charity of the Year"
each January which we would try to raise awareness of and to which we would direct donations in the year.

Our current charity is Christian Care Merton

 Christian Care Merton

Christian CARE is a charity working in the London Borough of Merton, committed to the relief of poverty within this borough. At this time of economic hardship, we feel it is more necessary than ever to work with this Charity to promote the Common Good.

You can read more about this Charity and their work at: https://christiancaremerton.org.uk/whatwedo.html

Queens Award Logo

Previous Charities

The charities which we have nominated in the past include:

"Aid to the Church in Need"   "Missio"   "The Passage" "St. Anthony’s School for Deaf Children in Uganda" "Jesuit refugee Service" "The Passage" "Mary's Meals" "The medaille Trust" "Christian CARE" "FIA Merton" "CCFON" "Care Ministry" "The Holy Family Center, Limpopo, South Africa" "the Concerned Christians Action Group" "Project Peru" "Let the Children Live!" and "Corrymeela"

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