Since 2016, the Year of Mercy, we have held a monthly food collection in the Parish. This is advertised on the website, in the parish newsletter and on the Justice and Peace notice board in St John Fisher Church. The proceeds are taken in turn to each of the following charities:
Faith in Action runs a drop-in twice a week for the Homeless. As well as a warm and friendly welcome, service users can get a high-quality lunch, internet access and help with moving on. Service users really appreciate being able to take away a can of tuna, ham or luncheon meat to make sandwiches when they are living on the street, (for this reason tins with ring pulls are good). On average 60+ homeless and vulnerably housed people attend each session. These are mainly men, and a few women, for whom little other help is available. See for more information.
Christian Care Association Merton last year helped more than 150 families, who struggle to survive. Some of the families are awaiting immigration decisions and are not entitled to any benefits, in other families there is long term illness. As clients cannot afford buses, food parcels are delivered to them on a fortnightly basis.
Wimbledon Foodbank supply food parcels to people identified by Care professionals. Foodbank clients bring their voucher to a foodbank centre where it can be redeemed for three days emergency food. Volunteers meet clients over a cup of tea or free hot meal and are able to signpost people to agencies able to help with the longer-term problems.
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