Diagonal rainbow-striped background with images of a dove and a scales also words St John Fisher  &  Justice and Peace The logo of the Southwark diocesan Justice an dPeace and Integrity of Creation office

Parish of Saint John Fisher, Merton
Justice and Peace Group

  Group members     Group supporters     Deceased group members     Events Pictures  

Photographs of some recent happenings

World Day of Prayer 2021 by Women of Vanuatu

Held at St Andew's


Welcome and opening prayer

Several clergy joined

25 of the congregation


Peace Service 2020

Flowing water

Isiah 11: 1-10

Phillipians 4: 1-9


Prayers of the Faithful I

Prayers of the Faithful II

Conclusion of Responsorial Prayer

Our Father and Sign of Peace

Make me a channel of your peace


and chat

Peace Service 2019

Isaiah 62.1-5

Bind us together

1 Cor 12.4-11

John 2.1-11

Nigeria and Politics


more congreagation

Responsorial Prayer

House Mass in lieu of meeting in August

Some of the Group with Bishop Tripp

Fr Matthias visits St Anthony's

See the associated text.

Fr Matthias visiting the school

The way in

The kids

The main building

A dormitory

A dormitory with acrobats

Kids being phographed

Girls accomodation

A class in progress

The inspired artwork


and play

Chicken feed made on site

Poultry farming, a school project

also the exit and farewell

See the associated text.

2018 Peace Service

Peace as seen by the children

Peace as seen by one child

Monthly Foodstuff Collection

Some of the January 2017 collection

2017 Peace Service

What is nonviolence?

Bricks to represent our sins and transgressions

Bricks build a wall, forgive us our sins

All peoples will come to the mountain of the Lord (cf Is 2)

We can learn from the world's experiences

Christ be our light

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